Hi Fam!
It was so wonderful to talk to you yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed
myself. The overall best part was just the fact that everyone is doing
so well. I am so so so grateful and so blessed to have a wonderful
family. Thank you for being firm in the gospel and in the church.
Thank you for having testimonies. Thank you for supporting me on my
mission. I love you SO much.
Other than that - I feel like since I talked to the fam on sunday, i
dont have much to say today. So instead of anything specific I'll just
throw out some random commentaries:
So i was thinking about gifts for people at home... There is a lot of
jewelry in Brazil thats really different than the type of stuff we
have in the states. Its super cheap (both in the sense of quality and
in cost) but its kinda out there. I dont know if any of you want it or
if you'd rather have something else. Personally i would pretty much
never wear it or use it because to me it all looks like costume junk.
But if anyone is wanting some jewelry from the streets of Brazil, feel
free to let me know and i'll bring some home.
Other random: I really like the people who we are teaching who give us
food. This one family - our elect family that needs to get married and
baptized - gives us cheese! The dad's name is Emerson, and he drives
to Minas Gerais (another state) just to buy cheese and then he sells
it in Brasilia. and he gives us free cheese when we teach his family.
Every time we walk out the door with a huge sack of cheese i remember
that one Nsync song, celebrity, when justins like, "if i did have
cheese like ever-y-day..." hah but its like uncanny how good this
cheese is.
Then there's this other guy named Tomaz who gives us fruits. His mom
sells fruits at the street markets on the weekend, and so when we
teach him on Friday nights there are tons of crates of fruits in the
front. and we walk out of the house with a sack full of banana maça,
papaya, melons, and other goodies. delicious. I wish sister canfield
could be here so we could make smoothies.
nickolecanfield shout out - (rs, sabia que é esse jeitinho que a
bárbara fala seu nome, como se fosse um nome só? ah, mas tenho
saudades de vc e queria que vc ainda estivesse aqui. oh ps, eu pedi
permissão da sister pizzirani para ter um encontro com a sis hill e
christensen no meu aniversario semana que vem. E não foi autorizada.
:( rsrs talvez seria melhor se eu seguisse sua dica que voce falou pra
bárbara o outro dia. pois é, próximo vez, neh?)
Other news - the Carlsbad 4th ward primary kicks trash! on mothers day
the primary in our ward sang a primary hymn for the moms, and it was
nice... but lets just say that the C-4 primary really has it goin on.
oh ya - highlight of my week - yesterday we had lunch with the
Bishop's family and omg they have THE CUTEST kids you have ever seen.
Pedro Jonas (4 yrs old) and Cecilia (2 years old). When we got there,
they had just gotten out of the shower and pedro jonas came to the
gate in a towel. loved it. cecilia was running around like a little
naked baby. loved it. then they put clothes on (kind of a let down)
but its ok. on the kitchen table there was a big fruit basket with a
bunch of LIMES. emily lonas morris you would have loved it. i was
teaching pedro jonas to juggle (kinda) and he did a really good job
and we practiced for a while. He would get SO proud of himself when he
caught the limes. and we had an altogether lovely time. then cecilia
got a runny nose and her mom was teaching her to blow her own nose.
she would take such a big breath of air, blow all the snot out, and
then put the tissue up to clean it out. it was so funny. instead of
just blowing it straight into the tissue. we were all cracking up.
love those kids.
OTHER HIGHLIGHT that is even more of a highlight than watching a 2
year old blow her nose - Megan Lynn Rasmussen Fagergren! holy cow, i
got your wedding announcement today and i am SO happy for you! you and
dave are a beautiful couple. And i'm stoked that tomorrow is your
special day! of the 5 wedding announcements that i have received while
on the mission - this was the first time that i got the announcement
before the day of the actual marriage. (albeit by one day)
Congratulations for you both! yayyy eternal marriage in the temple
oh ya, and yesterday the zone leaders brought packages for our
district! i got an excellent package from Martha - THANK YOU VERY
MUCH, and big envelopes from mom and dad. Thanks for the easter
decorations haha. oh well. i'll give them to the families we're
teaching with little kids. they'll love it.
welp, have a wonderful week.
love, Sister Wardle
Added is a picture Kat sent the week before from a conference with Elder Scott of the 12 apostles
Hi Kelly! This is Arthur and Rosa from Brazil Brasília and we want so much that you send the following message to her, Pleease? (lol, Its Portuguese, so just Ignore that XD):
ReplyDeleteSister Wardle
Estamos com muita saudade de você, e, agora que encontramos o seu Blog, fica mais fácil para receber notícias suas. O Henrique foi para os EUA estudar e deixou uns DVDs e o livro True To The Faith para o Arthur (Is me, Arthur, who's typing, actually.) Anyway, não sei se sinto mais saudades dele ou de você, pois ele dois são duas pessoas muito queridas =3
Amo muito vocês.
Se puder, liga õ/
Estamos com saudades
Rosa e Arthur